My son got a letter home on the Wed after school saying they were having a party on the Monday at school with a Fairyland theme. My son stated that he was going as a dragon, eeek. Could we get a dragon costume, could we... So my only solution was to make him one. I got an old knight's helmet that he no longer used and papier mached over it, added some ping pong balls for the eyes. I used Anita's 3d gloss to make the eyes look shiny. I really only had about 5 or six hours to do the costume. I also made a tail and sewed it on to a green top, painted some cardboard wings and added a big fat dragon tummy to the top. I will add pics of that later, it didn't turn out too great but.

I told my son I was finished, he is 5 years old, don't you just love their honesty. He looked at me with some disdain hehe and said Mummy I asked for a dragon not a frog hahaha. I nearly had a fit laughing. I had made teeth spikes etc but didn't have time to do it as you probably know drying papier mache is a nightmare especially in this country hmm.