Saturday 25 December 2010

SBC Last Challenge for Crimbo

Well I completely forgot about this challenge. I have had to drag myself away from opening more kids toys and trying to figure out what is what!

Simply Betty Challenges Last day of Crimbo:

Stinky McSlinky didn't get what he asked for his crimbo so he is teaching his gf a lesson with the help of the little assassin ninja cat.  Ho Ho Ho!

Andrea C x

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Simply Betty Stamps Christmas Day 10

Woohoo I won the last Simply Betty challenge, I don't know how but I did yay.

Anyways on to todays challenge which is christmas caroling or scaroling.  I chose the stinkmeister himself smelly sock and candy addicted lil maniac for my carolers.

I changed the song to tis the season to be stinky.  Tried to make them both look like santa's outfits also that and I just love love love red.

Anyways back to reality I can smell a very stinky nappy and the nappy isn't going to change itself so.... tis the season to be stinky falalala lala la la.

Sorry I have been doing so many digital posts lately (not that my no digital posts are anything to be missed) but I seriously cannot brave the garage for my craft stuff it is so cold here and if the weather forecasts are right it is getting worse by  the end of the week.

Andrea C x

Monday 13 December 2010

Macabre Monday HDH069 - Colourblind Christmas

At Haunted Design House :-

Colourblind Christmas

You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Halloween-based Winter Holiday card WITHOUT using RED or GREEN...

Not even a teensie bit of it anywhere :)

The skeleton heads are from The Graphics Fairy.  Another digital entry probably would be an email card.

Andrea C x

Sunday 12 December 2010

Simply Betty Xmas Day 9

I feel like my head is going to explode my youngest is at that stage where she can't tell you what is wrong or what she wants so she just whines and whinges constantly and it is driving me mad, thankfully as I remember it never lasts that long until they are barking orders at you day and night hehe I know the other two do!!   It's just as well they are so darned cute.

Anyways back to the challenge it is to create a project using a Simply Betty Image for the Ghost of Christmas Past.  I thought what better than a Steampunk Image they are just so cool and I would use an excuse to use them in just about everything hehe.  Anyways it is another digital entry from me cos I am lazy lazy lazy.. too cold in garage to rummage for craft stuff so will have to wait until it is warmer to sort it all out.  The background is from a fantastic site called ceremony share, they have the  most amazing freebies there.  I made two ghostly outlines of mercius and one proper one.  I added a ticket that says one journey to xmas past.

Andrea C x

Saturday 11 December 2010

Macabre Monday - Octopodally Ominous

At Haunted Design house this week the challenge is to create a card / project using eight items.  I have used a canvas and sprayed it with glimmer mist glacier and cosmic shimmer blue lagoon and swirled it around with my fingers then added a black glitter glue and swirled that too.  I used a page and distressed the edges with tim holtz ink pad tattered rose then added little bit of red and white stickles then rubbed some over the page itself to give it a sparkle (you can't really see in the pic).  I used one of my digi drawing and used 3d gloss on her then with some coordinations black cauldron cardstock I wet it and scraped it and generally bashed it up then gloss embossed it put it in the freezer and cracked it up good style.  The flower at the top corner I made with some scrap material I got from the pound shop.  I put a backing on the cracked backing to the girl (I make no sense whatsoever tralala).  Anyway to cut a long long long boring story very short, I stuck to the eight Canvas, Backing x 2, image, flower, page, pearls x 2 totaling eight.

I added two pics, I am so terrible at taking pics and hubby always says he will take them for me but I am so impatient that I cannot wait about for this tehe (toe tapping).  The pics haven't shown up the glimmer mist very well but it does look lovely shiny sparkly.

Watched the last episode in the series of The Walking Dead last night, I feel so cheated I didn't know last night was the end of the series, come on I can't wait for the new series I so love that show!!!

Andrea C

Thursday 9 December 2010

My Brother the Zombie

After perusing Phil Hynes site and not really having the money to actually have him make my brother into a zombie, I decided to make my own.  Now this guy Phil Hynes is a genius with clay and if I had the money I would defo have got him to do it as he is extremely talented, so defo check out his site.

Now my brother is an extremely good looking guy this does resemble him but I have managed to make him not so attractive hmm.  That is a playstation 3 controller in his hand and his fingers are bitten off and so is his mouth.

  The armature

 I baked using fimo first to have a hard base.

Once the Super Sculpey had been baked and before I painted him with acrylics

My zombie brother will not obviously be even close to his standard but for the time being it will have to do.  My brother and I love vampire/zombie/horror movies and have done since we were kids so I decided it would be fun to make him one for this birthday which is just after christmas.  It isn't finished as I am making our cat Willow into a zombie too she is a russian blue cat (very gorgeous looking little thing), I also need to make a base (which hubby will be doing).

Andrea C x

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Simply Betty Day 7 Emo Crimbo

Okay so todays simply betty challenge is to create a crimbo (christmas) card using an emo image and also only using purple, turquoise and lime green (love the turquoise and lime green combo).  Although we still didn't get any sleep last night I am a cheery bissum today so gonna roll with it.  Don't know my A@#$e from my elbow but nonetheless am a happy chappy.  About time too!

I got my sorry butt into the freezing cold garage today and tried to get most of the craft stuff I needed dug out before I got frostbite. 

I dug out some of my nice doodlebug papers and brads etc and took over the kitchen with my stuff.  I put believe (as in Santa).  I used the emo Betty and gave her a purple santa hat with a matching skull that is on her belt as the pom pom (?).  MS crackle punch, leaf punches.  The wild orchid flower I coloured with purple and turquoise promarkers.

Now I need to get my behind into gear and get my haunted design house challenge done.

Andrea C x

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Gruesome Twosome

I won a gruesome twosome at Haunted Design House.  I really enjoy the challenges over there.  Bit of a random statement or not!! NOT at all coherent the garden fairies the garden fairies tralala!

HDH066 - MM Movie Mayhem: A Nightmare on Elm Street Gruesome Twosome:

Crystal for her delightfully cute twist on a sweet image, and Andrea for a fan-freakin-tastic painting!

How lucky am I.... most of the craft stuff I have been doing lately has been so cruddy so this is great.

Andrea C x

Monday 6 December 2010

Simply Betty Xmas Day 6 - Steampunk

Dear Diary

I am so so so so so so so so tired......ZZzzzzzz. He he it is freakin freezing here I went into the garage to get some craft stuff out and I nearly froze solid midway. Anyway had fun colouring but don't know if I am cut out for cards until I get my craft room/hubbys office next year. Can never find anything and hate having to pull stuff out to put it back so just try to use bare minimum without the actual benefit of the card looking other than pathetic but alas I think I have used up my quota of moans for this week and shall now put on a fake cheery smile but with dull dead eyes.... can you tell I am tired and hardly even lucid. Slap slap nearly sent myself to sleep there hehe.

This card is for Day 6 at Simply Betty and it is a Steampunk Christmas. These images are a delight to colour. Cruddy photo also...  I used a lilac to hihjlight the greys and it hasnt shown in the photo at all

Another cruddy photo of a brooch I did today for my son's school teacher's xmas pressie. She loves the Gruffalo and he is in the Gruffalo team at school so had a look around to see what gruffalo things were available and not a lot so thought I would make her a gruffalo brooch. This pic is terrible it actually looks a lot better in real life. If you have never heard of the Gruffalo and have a child then I highly recommend you go out and buy it (even if you don't then I would still buy a copy it is delightful).

Andrea C x

Friday 3 December 2010

Simply Betty Christmas Day 4

The Christmas theme today at Simply Betty is to add something creepy such as bats, spiders etc.  I used a bat bg and put a little black cat at the steampunk images feet (I don't remember her name!).  I made her a santa hat.

Anyway got no sleep at all last night as little miss has the cold bad she has a deep voice at the moment.  She is choked up and we took her in beside us to make sure she was breathing okay (big mistake am so grumpy today!!!!) grouch grouch grouch.

Andrea C x